Hey, friend. I’m so glad you’re here.
My name is Hannah and I’m the person behind all the things going on here.
I’m sure you are super busy with a million and one things, right? It can be easy to get to a point of feeling defeated… mom guilt anyone? Unfortunately, it can also be easy to let the most important things in life take the back seat. Bible reading and prayer being the main ones.
As mommas, wives, women serving in the church in various ministries, keepers at home, and whatever other title you may have… you’ve heard it before “You can’t run on empty”. and it’s true.
It’s my prayer that Hannah Lu Butler.com will encourage you to run closer or run back to the One Who loves you the most and get filled back up.
Welcome to a community of Bible believing, truth seeking, grace giving, and humble living women! May our first goal be to know Him, and make Him known.
A little about me
There’s really not a whole lot of interesting things to say.
But I can share that my whole life is ministry and family. I homeschool my two older children and then my youngest is a toddler. I met my husband in Bible college and I am currently learning piano. Art of all kinds makes me happy. My favorite is abstract. Lettering brings me joy and is so fun and relaxing. Since I was a child my dream job was to grow up and be a counselor 🙂
Encouraging others seems to be a passion of mine.
I am a part of a KJV Christian podcast for women that myself and 3 of my friends started. It’s called Her Portion Podcast. Highly recommend.
And to give you another idea of who I am, I am currently sitting here with a snow scene playing on the T.V. even though it feels like 107 outside here in FL, while listening to instrumental Christmas music, lol!